Spring is the time of Petit scarves...

The little gavroche, the Nano, the Twilly…

Spring is the ideal time to experiment with those miniature silk wonders. 

They can easily transform any outfit and even become your signature item. 

That's because scarves are the ultimate accessories without limits.

In my Expertly SCARVES: The Art of Knotting Petit Silks (first book in the Expertly Scarves series), I focus on spring/summer-ready small silks: the Nano, the little gavroche and the Twilly/silk ribbon. 

And for a limited time this book is available for free as Amazon kindle eBook download.


From an instant and chic upgrade to your favourite Trench Coat to a stylish bracelet or a necklace - possibilities are endless with a petit scarf...

Step-by-step instructions on how to knot your petit silks are included in the book, so grab your FREE copy today! Offer ends on Tuesday, 6th April 2021.

Diamonds may be forever, but a petit silk scarf is much more beautiful!


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