JAEGER - My Personal Tribute To a True Icon of Minimalism...

From the very first Camel Hair Coat pioneered by Jaeger in the 1930s, to the photo of Jaeger Trench Coats on the cover of my book - there is a very special place in my beigeanatic heart reserved for this iconic brand... 


The Camel Hair Coat by Jaeger, first introduced in the 1930s, defined winter perfection for generations. Cashmere and alpaca soon followed and a legend was born.

            (Photo credits: Jaeger Archives / Original permission granted in 2015)

For me personally, Jaeger will always represent simplicity and undisputable timelessness. 
The photos below were taken in September 2015 - the clothes featured are as relevant today as they were then...

Marks & Spencer has now acquired the Jaeger brand and promises that "the Jaeger you know and love will soon be available to buy" at their website. 

'Style is the perfection of a point of view'...  


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